Alumni Board Nominations
The Executive Board Members of the BCAA will review the nominations and make decisions based on the information received. Prior to submitting, please review the information on this page and discuss your nomination with the person being nominated to verify their interest in a BCAA Board position.
Serving on the Executive Board of the Blount County Alumni Association requires promoting the interests of Maryville College, helping to provide engagement opportunities for alumni, and maintaining mutually beneficial relations between the College and alumni. A primary focus of the BCAA Board is to raise money for the Blount County Alumni Scholarship Fund.
Each BCAA Board member serves a three-year term with a possibility of extension if mutually agreed upon between member and Board.
Major Responsibilities:
Attend and participate in a majority of Board meetings. Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 pm with the exception of some summer months which are held on different dates (to be determined).
Serve on permanent and/or ad hoc board committees as appointed and diligently complete all responsibilities for such committees. Committees include Homecoming, Harvest Crafts Fair and Bake Sale, Spring Event, Social Events, Christmas Open House and Nominating Committees.
Maintain regular communication with the BCAA President and Alumni Office regarding actions related to BCAA Board participation.
Work with the BCAA Board Executive Team to complete tasks and duties assigned.
Make an annual financial commitment to Maryville College by supporting the BCAA Scholarship Endowment and/or the Maryville Fund, capital campaigns and other College initiatives as financially feasible.
Time Required:
One hour per month for meetings
Time for attendance at events and activities sponsored by the BCAA
Time to complete tasks assigned by committees
To be considered a qualified candidate for the BCAA Board, the applicant will have demonstrated much of the following:
Knowledge of the goals and current programs of Maryville College
Interest in the advancement and support of the College
Willingness to attend meetings and convey alumni sentiment to College administrators
Willingness to support the College annually as financially feasible